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Our Privacy Policy

When you use, you confide in us with your data. We are focused on keeping that trust. That begins with helping you comprehend our security rehearses

This policy portrays the data we gather, how it is utilized and shared, and your decisions in regards to this data.

Data collection and use


This Policy applies to user of’ services anywhere in the world, including user of iDeliver’ applications, websites, highlights or different services.

This Policy depicts how and its partners gather and utilize individual data to give our services.

This Policy explicitly applies to:

Drivers: user who give transport independently or through accomplice transport organizations to deliver food, Gadgets and other items.

Delivery recipients: users who request deliveries of food, Gadgets or other items

Delivery partners: users who provide delivery services

This policy likewise applies to the individuals who furnish data to regarding an application to utilize our services, or whose data generally gets regarding its services, (for example, contact data of people related with iDeliver Restaurant partners).

The practices portrayed in this policy are liable to appropriate laws in the spots in which we work. This implies we just take part in the practices portrayed in this policy in a specific nation or area whenever allowed under the laws of those spots. If you don’t mind get in touch with us in the event that you have inquiries on our practices in your nation or area.

Data controller

The information we collect collects::

Data that you give to, for example, when you make your account.

Data made when you utilize our services, for example, area, utilization and gadget data.

Information from other sources, such as partners and third parties that use APIs.

The accompanying data is gathered by or for

Information you provide

This may include:

User profile : We gather data when you make or refresh your account. This may incorporate your name, email address, telephone number, login name and secret key, address, installment or keeping money data (counting related installment check data), government recognizable proof numbers, for example, Driver License | NIN number, driving permit or identification whenever required by law, date of birth, photograph and mark. This likewise incorporates driver vehicle or protection data. This likewise incorporates the inclinations and settings that you empower for your account.

Background check information We may gather historical verification data in the event that you join to utilize’ services as a driver or delivery partner. This may incorporate data, for example, your driving history or criminal record (where allowed by law). This data might be gathered by a seller for’ sake.

User content: We may gather data that you submit when you contact customer support, give appraisals or compliments to different user, or generally contact

Information created when you use our services

This may include:

Location information

Depending upon the services you use and your application settings or gadget consents, we may gather your exact or inexact area data as decided through information, for example, GPS, IP address and Wi-Fi.

On the off chance that you are a driver or delivery partner, gathers area data when the application is running in the closer view (application open and onscreen) or background (application open yet not onscreen) of your gadget.

Riders and delivery recipients can utilize the application without permitting to gather their location information. Be that as it may, this may influence the usefulness accessible on your application. For instance, on the off chance that you don’t permit to gather your area data, you should enter your get address physically. What’s more, area data will be gathered from the driver amid your excursion and connected to your record, regardless of whether you have not permitted to gather your area data.

Transaction information

We gather transaction information identified with your utilization of our services, including the kind of services you asked for or gave, your request subtleties,  delivery information, date and time the administration was given, sum charged, separate voyaged, and installment Policy. Likewise, on the off chance that somebody utilizes your advancement code, we may connect your name with that individual.

Usage information

We gather data about how you interface with our services. This incorporates data, for example, get to dates and times, application highlights or pages saw, application crashes and other framework action, kind of program, and outsider destinations or services you were utilizing before cooperating with our services. Sometimes, we gather this data through treats, pixel labels and comparable advancements that make and keep up remarkable identifiers. To discover increasingly about these advancements, if it’s not too much trouble see our Cookie Statement.

Communications data

We empower user to speak with one another and iDeliver by means of the iDeliver applications, sites and other services. For instance, we empower drivers and riders, and delivery partners and beneficiaries, to call one another (in a few nations, without uncovering their phone numbers to one another). To give this administration, iDeliver gets some data with respect to the calls, including the date and time of the call/content and the substance of the interchanges. iDeliver may likewise utilize this data for customer support services (counting to determine question between user), for wellbeing and security purposes, to enhance our items and services, and for investigation.

Information from other sources

This may include:

User feedback, such as ratings or compliments.

user furnishing your data regarding referral programs.

user asking for services for you or for your benefit.

user or others giving data in association claims or debate. colleagues through which you make or access your account, for example, installment suppliers, internet based life services, on-request music services, or applications or sites who utilize iDeliver’ APIs or whose APIs iDeliver utilizes, (for example, when you arrange a stumble on Google Maps).

Protection suppliers (on the off chance that you are a driver or delivery partner).

Money related services suppliers (on the off chance that you are a driver or delivery partner).

Accomplice transport organizations (in the event that you are a driver who utilizes our services through a record related with such an organization).

The proprietor of a iDeliver for Business or iDeliver Family profile that you use.

Publicly available sources.

Marketing service providers. may consolidate the data gathered from these sources with other data in its ownership.

How we utilize your data gathers and uses data to empower dependable and helpful transportation, conveyance and different items and services. We likewise utilize the data we gather:

To improve the wellbeing and security of our user and services

For customer support

For innovative work

To empower interchanges to or between user

To give advancements or challenges

Regarding legitimate procedures does not offer or share your own data to outsiders for outsider direct showcasing purposes. utilizes the data it gathers for purposes including:

Providing services and features utilizes the data we gather to give, customize, keep up and enhance our items and services. This incorporates utilizing the data to:

Make and refresh your record.

Verify your identity.

Process or encourage installments for those services.

Offer, acquire, give or encourage protection or financing policies regarding our services.

Track the advancement of your trek or conveyance.

Empower highlights that enable you to impart data to other individuals, for example, when you present a compliment about a driver, allude a companion to iDeliver, split charges or offer your ETA.

Empower highlights to customize your iDeliver account, for example, making bookmarks for your most loved spots, and to empower speedy access to past goals.

Empower availability includes that make it less demanding for user with handicaps to utilize our services, for example, those that empower hard of hearing or in need of a hearing aide drivers to alarm their riders of their incapacities, permit just instant messages from riders, and to get blazing outing demand warnings rather than sound notices.

Perform inward tasks important to give our services, including to investigate programming bugs and operational issues, to lead information examination, testing and look into, and to screen and dissect use and movement patterns.

Cookies and third-party technologies

iDeliver and its accomplices use cookies and other identification technologies on our applications, sites, messages and online promotions for purposes portrayed in this approach.

Cookies are little content documents that are put away on your program or gadget by sites, applications, online media and commercials. iDeliver utilizes treats and comparable advancements for purposes, for example,

Validating clients

Recollecting client inclinations and settings

Deciding the prevalence of substance

Conveying and estimating the viability of publicizing efforts

Investigating webpage traffic and inclines, and by and large understanding the online conduct and premiums of individuals who associate with our administrations We may likewise enable others to give group of onlookers estimation and examination administrations for us, to serve promotions for our benefit over the Internet, and to track and give an account of the execution of those ads. These substances may utilize treats, web reference points, SDKs and different innovations to recognize your gadget when you visit our webpage and utilize our administrations, and in addition when you visit other online locales and administrations. It would be ideal if you see our Cookie Statement for more data with respect to the utilization of cookies and different advances portrayed in this area, including in regards to your decisions identifying with such advances.

Choice and transparency gives the way to you to see and control the data that iDeliver gathers, including through:

in-app privacy settings

Device permissions

in-app ratings pages

marketing opt-outs

You can likewise ask iDeliver to give you clarification, duplicates or revision of your information.


The Privacy Settings menu in the Rider application enables clients to set or refresh their area and contacts sharing inclinations, and their inclinations for getting portable notices from iDeliver. Data on these settings, how to set or change these settings, and the impact of killing these settings are depicted underneath.

Location information utilizes riders’ gadget area administrations to make it simpler to get a sheltered, dependable excursion at whatever point you require one. Area information enhances our administrations, including pick-ups, route and client bolster.

You can empower/incapacitate or change iDeliver’ accumulation of rider area data whenever through the Privacy Settings menu in the iDeliver application, or by means of the settings on your cell phone. On the off chance that you cripple the gadget area benefits on your gadget, your utilization of the iDeliver application will be influenced. For instance, you should enter your get or drop-off areas physically. What’s more, area data will be gathered from the driver amid your outing and connected to your record, regardless of whether you have not empowered iDeliver to gather your area data.

Notifications: Account and trip updates

iDeliver gives clients arrange status warnings and updates identified with your record. These warnings are an important piece of utilizing the iDeliver application and can’t be handicapped. In any case, you can pick the strategy by which you get these notices through the Privacy Settings menu in the iDeliver application.

Notifications: Discounts and news

You can empower iDeliver to send you push warnings about limits and news from iDeliver. You can empower/impair these notices whenever through the Privacy Settings menu in the iDeliver application.


Most portable stages (iOS, Android, and so on.) have characterized specific kinds of gadget information that applications can’t access without your assent. These stages have diverse authorization frameworks for acquiring your assent. The iOS stage will caution you the first run through the iDeliver application needs authorization to get to particular sorts of information and will give you a chance to assent (or not assent) to that ask. Android gadgets will advise you of the authorizations that the iDeliver application looks for before you first utilize the application, and your utilization of the application establishes your assent.

Updates to this policy

We may sometimes refresh this arrangement.

We may sometimes refresh this arrangement. On the off chance that we roll out huge improvements, we will inform you of the progressions through the iDeliver applications or through others implies, for example, email. To the degree allowed under pertinent law, by utilizing our administrations after such notice, you agree to our updates to this strategy.

We urge you to occasionally survey this strategy for the most recent data on our protection rehearses. We will likewise make earlier forms of our protection strategies accessible for survey.

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